

welcome to my blog! I’m a 36 37 38 year old expat living in Ireland and I write about slow running and plant-based food.

This is what I wrote in my original about page in August 2015 when I started this blog:

This is just another running (b)log. I am writing this mostly for my future lazy self to read this in case motivation is lacking.

I plan to document/log thoughts on running or better trying to become a runner. In the past I realized that I can’t see the progress I make and while getting better at running I still felt stuck and as if I wasn’t improving. Just repeating to myself “hey x weeks/months ago I couldn’t run for 2 minutes” gets too boring.

While I use an app to track my workouts, it’s just not the same as having a website to turn to and look through archives and see where I started.

This still holds true and it has become so much more! First I am not that lazy anymore. Then I also started a food blog in December 2015 to record my favorite plant-based recipes. What I had never realized is, that there are a lot of nice people out there, I can connect with, due to sharing more about me and what I’m passionate about. Which is run and eat. (That is at least the part I share here in public!).

Until today a lot has happened and you can read it all here. By now I have moved my blogs together and all the content is either under “Running” or “Food”. If you still don’t know enough, here is a list of all the posts that are describing my journey from couch potato to becoming a runner, from obese to normal and some thoughts around what I am doing and what helped me succeed:








18 Replies to “About”

    1. Thanks 😀 can’t hide anything can I? I am still working on the meal planner though … and the nutrition needs proper measurements… if there only was more time in the day.


  1. Wonderful and fascinating blog you have here. Thank you for following my blog, I will certainly take time to visit yours as well. I hope your day is a happy one! 🙂


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